BA Rosh Hashanah Tikotavu BA Yom Tzom Kippur Tichotamu.  On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippur it is sealed. These ten days also called the days of Awe are unique to our Jewish Religion and our belief system.  They denote our Jewish identity.  I was reminded of my Jewish identity during a trip to Poland and Israel this past summer with CJP #Heritage and Hope.  There were 15 of us all from the Boston area that ranged in age from 28 – 40 all eager to finally see what we all learned in school, read in books, seen in documentaries and movies.  There was not one part of Poland that stood out more than visiting two concentration camps Majdanek and Auschwitz.  Having walked through the gas chambers, seen pictures on the wall of men and woman that would never leave Auschwitz or the collection of hair on display I could not help but think we need to continue to build the Temple Etz Chaim Community.  While we have struggled over the years to meet ends meet and seen our membership decline, I want us to be a stronger community.  We have the chance to build a Jewish community that can certainly thrive in the Franklin area.  What does it mean to be a Jewish Community?  You can take part in Friday night Shabbat service, be involved in your child’s Jewish Education, and find out what our various committees our doing so that we can all come together.     Out of the ashes of the Holocaust came a new beginning and the Jewish religion was not destroyed.  Generation after generation have continued to pray just as we are today in synagogues like ours asking for forgiveness for our sins and praying for a sweet new year.    I like to end with a story.  The grand Rabbi was coming to town and all the people wanted to welcome and celebrate.  To celebrate his coming, they decided to put wine in a big vat for him.  The vat was covered so no one could see inside and the people brought their cups of wine at night to fill the vat.  The day finally arrived when the grand rabbi entered the town.  He lifted up the lid to the vat and he was shocked.  The vat was filled with just water.  The moral of the story is that we all must participate and we all must participate in the building of our Jewish community here at Temple Etz Chaim.   L’shanah Tovah Tikatevu. A happy and health sweet new year.  

– Adam