The Interfaith Food Security Team has launched Project Envoy, a community driven project designed to support local restaurants who in turn will donate some of their proceeds to The Franklin Food Pantry. Project Envoy launches February 1 and will continue through April 30.
Papercutting Workshop
During this one-hour zoom class you will learn the history of Jewish papercutting, tour Jeanette’s Judaic art studio, and create a papercut work of art. After registering, you will receive a link and password to the zoom class and the papercut pattern we will be working on during the workshop. The class is appropriate for any age person who is comfortable with a sharp knife (not young children).
You only need to register one person per home. Cost is $18 per household.
Hamentashen 2021
From our Hamentashen Happening leader Pam: Fourteen years ago I had an impromptu Hamentashen party and we rolled, filled, baked and ate! While we can’t be together in my kitchen this year, we can still bake together over Zoom!
Any donations made support Temple Etz Chaim but are not required to join this fun event!
Book Club 2021-02
We will be discussing “The World That We Knew” by Alice Hoffman. In Berlin in 1941 during humanity’s darkest hour, three unforgettable young women must act with courage and love to survive.
This event is open to everyone (congregants should be logged into their account to register).
Thanks to a grant from the Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project, Temple Etz Chaim is offering several workshops to help people deal with the stresses caused by the Coronavirus pandemic. While many will be geared to particular segments of the community, this first program is appropriate for all adults. This interactive discussion will help us think about how to deal with the loneliness, anxiety, and other concerns that have surfaced during the pandemic.
The program will be facilitated by Marjorie Sockoll, the Director of Aging & Spirituality at Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Boston. She has earned degrees in sociology and social work from Boston University and Tel Aviv University respectively, a graduate degree in counseling from Northeastern University, and a certificate of thanatology from the National Center for Death Education. She is a contributor to the book, Blessings for the Journey: A Jewish Healing Guide for Women with Cancer and the author of “The Healing Circle: A New Model for Nurturing Spirituality in Jewish Family Service Agencies” published in the Journal of Jewish Communal Service.
Shabbat Shirah
Tu B’Shevat Sisterhood 2021
Bingo Returns
Purim Shalach Manot
Check your email for details on how to order!
FROGY Shabbat 2021
Friday at 7:00pm
Join us!