Torah Study is back!
Inaugural gathering for 5782 outdoors in the Sukkah, weather permitting (indoors if not).
Bagels will be provided (if outdoors).
5782 Simchat Torah
Join with Temple Etz Chaim and Reform Jews across North America for a Simchat Torah celebration of song, story, and Torah
Sisterhood Soup in the Sukkah
Join us for our annual Soup, Salad and Soul event. We will meet in the Sukkah (masked), shake the etrog and lulav, and rejuvenate our souls.
We’ll share soup and salad recipes and back by popular demand,
Connie Shulman will teach us the art of Tangling.
5782 Sukkot
Lulav and etrog shaking!
All must be masked
You can also view online stream here
Ice Cream Social
Join us on September 26 at noon to welcome our new Temple Etz Chaim members into our community.
Rabbi Alpert will say the Sukkah blessings and shake the etrog and lulav.
Ice cream treats from C&C ice cream truck will be available from 12:00 – 12:30 pm for all to enjoy.
(Gluten free and peanut free treats are available.)
RSVP in advance to ensure that we have enough ice cream treats.
For more information email Cindy
5782 Yizkor Book
5782 Selichot
5782 Honey
Temple Etz Chaim Sisterhood is proud to present it’s TEC Community-Wide Rosh Hashanah Honey and Greeting Project. Sending Rosh Hashanah greetings is a heartfelt way to emphasize the Jewish unity that lies at the core of the high holidays and a way to create meaningful connections within our own TEC community.
Watch your emails for your personal log in to purchase for friends inside and outside our TEC community.
Questions? Contact Margot Rivelis at
Sisterhood Brunch 2021
Stroll Shop Lunch
Join us at the Cranberry Bog Nature Trail, behind the Bass Pro Shop, Route 1, Foxboro, MA, for a 1/2 mile nature walk 10:00-11:00am.
Meet friends at the Bass Pro Shop, from 11:00-12:00pm.
Gather with us for lunch at the Olive Garden, 12:00-1:30pm.