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Posts by Isaac Chartoff:
Light at Night 1
Join us at Beaver Pond on Saturday December 4 at 5pm for a Hanukkah celebration.
We’ll light the menorah and say the blessings, sing some songs, and then set luminaries afloat on the pond. Don’t forget to sign up for our
Hanukkah Trunk Decorating Contest!
Also available are sufganiyot (Hanukkah jelly donuts) baked by Blue Moon bakery in Medfield. Make sure to place your order so it will be ready for pick-up!
The Jewish Home
November 30 at 7:30 PM
Rabbi Alpert will be teaching a program on what the Jewish home has meant and been throughout our history.
Nothing like a delicious jelly donut to help celebrate Hanukkah!
Order your sufganiyot (jelly donut) baked by Blue Moon Bagel Cafe of Medfield. These are only available during the Hanukkah season!
$3.50 each | 2 for $6.00
half dozen for $18.00 | one dozen for $36.00
Deadline to place order: Monday, November 29th
Orders will be available for pick up at our Temple Etz Chaim “Hanukkah Light at Night” Saturday, December 4th starting at 5pm at Beaver Pond in Franklin.
Eat them there or take them home (buy enough to do both)
Hanukkah with the URJ
Interfaith Service
Located at One Church Square in Franklin.
All the houses of worship on the Franklin Interfaith Council will be participating. Visitors are encouraged to attend in person or join online HERE
Recent Sisterhood Event Photos
(click thumbnail for larger image)
Sisterhood Game Night 2025
Sisterhood Celebrates Tu B’shevat as we Plant Herb Gardens
Led by Maria and Sue from the Franklin Garden Club
Sunday, January 21, 2024
Older Events
Sisterhood Brunch 2023
Mah Jongg is Back
Join us again for our monthly game of mah jongg at the Temple.
A few things have changed…
All attendees must be vaccinated. We will NOT be offering food or drinks and EVERYBODY must wear a mask while in the building.
Mah Jongg is open to all Temple and Sisterhood members.
Questions? Feel free to ask Margot HERE
Mazel Tots 12-21
Temporarily Virtual
A Temple Etz Chaim Early Childhood program designed for those 6 and younger and their families.
Rabbi Alpert will lead us in prayer, Margot Rivelis will read a story, plus singing and fun!
2021 Gifting Project
Religious School is joining with Sisterhood to purchase toys for children through Gifts of Hope. Donations may be left in the bins found outside the Temple door until November 18th. Please DO NOT wrap your donations, students will wrap the gifts as part of their Religious School Hanukkah celebration.
Sign up HERE
Need gift ideas?