Posts by Isaac Chartoff:
Capron Park Zoo
Join Temple Etz Chaim of Franklin at the Capron Park Zoo in Attleboro, on October 30, as we learn about Noah’s ark. We’ll start our morning with a story and snack, learn about Noah and all his animals, sing some songs then enjoy walking around the zoo.
This event is free and geared towards children up to age 6 (and their families). We will meet just outside the admission gates at 12:45 and enter at 1:00 pm.
Any questions? Contact Margot.
Fairmount Fruit Farm
A Kef Event!
Fairmount Fruit Farm
887 Lincoln Street in Franklin
Pay what you pick!
Let us know you’ll be there!
2022 Break Fast
We are requesting contributions to our meal. You may drop off items at FUSF (First Universalist Society of Franklin) any time between 1:30 and 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 5th.
If you’d like to donate, but cannot join us for break-fast, please contact Andrew Rubenstein to make alternate arrangements.
Please note, this is a dairy meal, so please, no meat products!
Let us know how you can help out
Doorway to Heroism
Rabbi Jack Romberg will speak in a presentation sponsored by the Adult Education Committee.
A Doorway to Heroism is both a personal and historical account of his Uncle Richard Stern who served in two wars: as a German soldier in World War I, winning the Iron Cross, and as an American soldier in World War II (at age 43), winning the Silver Star. His uncle was also revered for publicly protesting the German persecution of Jews before escaping to America.
Rabbi Romberg’s book will be available for purchase at the event.
Let us know if you plan to attend in-person, or signup here to attend remotely via Zoom.
Foster Care
Join Temple Etz Chaim & Temple Beth Torah for a virtual S’lichot gathering on Saturday, September 17 at 8pm (online only, no in person option).
Discuss the meaning of the High Holy Days with Rabbi Tom Alpert and Rabbi Mimi Micner. Followed by a short S’lichot service.
Register here.
Rosh Hashanah Honey
It’s that time of year again where we send Rosh Hashanah honey and greeting to friends and family. All congregants should have received an email explaining this annual program.
Deadline to order is Sunday, September 11.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Margot Rivelis.
Sisterhood Brunch
HHD 5783
Join us by requesting an invitation!
Tuesday, October 4 (FUSF)
7:30pm Kol Nidre
Wednesday, October 5 (FUSF)
9:00am Yom Kippur Family Service
10:15am Yom Kippur Morning Service
1:00pm Afternoon Study Session
3:30pm Afternoon Service, Yizkor, and Ne’ilah
6:30pm Havdalah & Break Fast
Yom Kippur Aliyot & Haftarah
Break Fast Signup
TEC – Temple Etz Chaim
FUSF – First Universalist Society