Shabbat is a time for Jews to exercise freedom from the regular labors of everyday life. It offers an opportunity to contemplate the spiritual aspects of life and to spend time with family.
Common Services are held every Friday evening, usually at the Temple building. Services commonly begin at 7:30. There is typically one Family Shabbat Friday evening each month during the school year, many of which involve participation by our Religious School students. These commonly begin at 7:00. For larger services when we are beyond the capacity of our building, we meet most often at the First Universalist Society of Franklin.
Tot Shabbat services are a fun-filled, casual service of songs, stories, and a Torah parade, followed by snacks and a craft, we bring Shabbat to life for children from toddlers through Kindergarten and their families.
On Saturday mornings when a Bar or Bat Mitzvah is celebrated, we typically gather at the First Universalist Society of Franklin at 10:00. All are invited to participate, hear the reading of the Torah, and celebrate with the community as a young person is called to the Torah.
Shabbat Schedule
Please be sure to check our calendar or call the Temple office for an update on service times and locations.