Notice of Congregational Approval
I am pleased to inform you that the congregation met on July 18 and approved the election of our new Rabbi, Rachel Putterman. Rabbi Rachel, as she prefers to be called, will officially assume her rabbinic duties at our temple beginning August 1st.
We are excited to welcome Rabbi Rachel to our congregation and look forward to her spiritual leadership. As we prepare for this transition, I want to bring a few important points to your attention:
- Welcome Events: In the coming weeks, we will be organizing several informal gatherings to give everyone an opportunity to meet and greet Rabbi Rachel. Please keep an eye on our temple newsletter and email communications for details about these events.
- Installation Service: A formal installation service to officially welcome Rabbi Rachel to her new role will be scheduled in the near future. This meaningful ceremony is an important tradition in Jewish life, and we encourage all members to attend. We will provide more information about the date and time of this service soon.
- Transition Period: As we prepare for Rabbi Rachel’s arrival, please be patient during this period of change. Our staff and lay leaders are working diligently to ensure a smooth transition, and we will be working closely with her in terms of her entry plan. We are confident that Rabbi Rachel will be a wonderful addition to our family, bringing fresh perspectives and energy to our community. We are also pleased to share that Melissa Folsom will be serving as our rabbinic liaison to offer some direct support to Rabbi Rachel from the perspective of our congregants.
If you have any questions or feedback during this transition, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any member of the Board of Directors.
As we prepare to welcome Rabbi Rachel, let us remember the wisdom from Pirkei Avot: “Make for yourself a teacher, acquire for yourself a friend.” It is my hope we embrace this new chapter in our temple’s history with open hearts and minds, embracing the roles we all share in teaching, learning, and community building.
Warmest regards,
Dr. Michael Rubin
President, Temple Etz Chaim
Important Links
- July 2024 – Vote of Approval
- June 2024 – Notice of new rabbi’s acceptance
- May 2024 – Update mailing
- March 2024 – Update mailing
- October 2023 – Submission of CCAR Application
- September 2023 – Survey and focus groups report
- July 2023 – Follow up mailing
- July 2023 – Focus groups mailing
- June 2023 – Survey mailing
- June 2023 – Initial community communication