Posts by Isaac Chartoff:
Interfaith Service
Showtime Sunday
November 24 @2pm
Join us at the musical Wonderful Town, based on the hit play and film My Sister Eileen. Sisters from Ohio, one an aspiring writer and the other an actress and dancer are newly arrived in New York City. Pursuing their dreams, they deal with broken hearts (this IS a musical) and surround themselves with a cast of characters.
We’ll have time for a quick bite and discussion at the Dean Dinning Hall before the Interfaith Service.
Tickets on your own at
Rabbi Scheinerman
Righteous or Self-Righteous?
Friday, December 6 @ 7:30pm at Franklin Federated Church
When someone thinks they are righteous, but you think they are self-righteous, who’s correct? When you think you’re righteous, but someone else disagrees, who’s right? How do you decide?
Egypt: What Were Those Women Up To?
Saturday, December 7 @ 9:00am at Temple Etz-Chaim
If you think you know the story of the Exodus, come read it through the eyes and fertile imagination of our Sages! They provide a truly behind-the-scenes view that might shock you and will certainly inspire you.
Creating Community Infused with Holiness
Saturday, December 7
Competition, political ideology, ignited tempers, and conspiracy threaten community cohesion – not only in the 21st century, but also in the first century House of Study. What wisdom can we glean for our time and for our own communities?
For Parents of Religious School Students at the home of Jennifer and Scott Eagerman
Sunday, December 8 at 9:45am
Kibbud Av V’em: (Honoring Parents) is Rarely as Simple as It Sounds
The mitzvah to honor parents is one of the “Top Ten,” but it is far from cut-and-dry. The sages tell us what constitutes “honor”, but they also delve into the messier situations of life when our sense of “honoring” clashes with that of our parents, and how to fulfill our obligation when our parents are especially “challenging”.
PJ Library Concert
PJ Library Concert with Rolie Polie Guacamole
Spend Veterans Day singing, dancing, and jamming with Rolie Polie Guacamole at Congregation Or Atid (97 Concord Road) in Wayland on Monday, November 11 from 10:30-11:30am. This fun, family-friendly concert is the perfect way to get your Monday jitters out.
For families with children ages 0-6 years.
Cost is $15/family by November 8; $20/family after November 8.
Register at
For more information, contact and join our local Facebook group.
In partnership with Congregation Or Atid.
David Markovsky
Disciplining with Respect
Disciplining with Respect: A Robin Einzig Workshop
Temple Israel (145 Hartford Street) in Natick on Thursday, November 7 from 7pm-9pm
Join us for a parenting workshop with Robin Einzig. This workshop focuses on responding to “No!” by setting respectful and effective limits without time-outs; balancing “obedience” and “cooperation”; addressing the myth of rewards and punishments and establishing routines that work for your family.
For adults only. Register at
Cost is $30/parent, $45/couple; cost for JCC ELC families is $20/parent; $35/couple.
For more information or to register as a couple, contact and join the JCC Metrowest Family Connection Facebook group.
Beyond the Binary
“Beyond the (Cis)Gender Binary”
Presentation by Mason Dunn
Director of Advocacy at Keshet: For LGBTQ equality in Jewish life
Join us for an exciting and engaging conversation about transgender rights and identities. We’ll cover a wide array of topics, from pronouns, to nonbinary identities, and the status of transgender rights at the local and federal level. Come with questions and curiosity to learn more about this amazing and unique community from a Jewish perspective.
Supported by the Combined Jewish Philanthropies