As the world now knows, 250 people, citizens of many nations, were kidnapped from Israel by Hamas on October 7, 2023. 129 are still captive in Gaza. A baby turned 11 months old in captivity on December 19. Temple Etz Chaim is a partner with many congregations, schools and Jewish organizations in the Greater Boston area in a project of critical importance: to increase awareness and remind the world of the urgency of rescuing all civilians. We cannot allow these people to be forgotten as time goes on.
The project is simple: tie blue ribbons around trees, lampposts, gates, etc. on your own property,and share the project with friends and neighbors. This project is humanitarian, not political. Hostage taking is never justified, for any reason or cause.
How You Can Help
Tie a Blue Ribbon
Wrap some blue ribbon and tie a bow around a very visible tree in your front yard. If you don’t have a tree, you can wrap it around a lamp post or something visible on your property. Ribbon kits are available at the temple, near the entrance. Each kit contains enough ribbon for one large tree, plus instructions. You can also use your own blue ribbon.
Post on Social Media
Take a photo of your tree(s), including you and your family if comfortable. Then, simply post the photo to your social media accounts with the hashtag #BringThemHome.
Congregations, schools, and Jewish institutions throughout Greater Boston have already joined this campaign.
Involve Your Friends and Neighbors
More information, current hostage reports, Ideas and support are available through the website or by scanning this QR code: